Online Tax




With IT-PSS 1040A On-Line there is no software to download or install, and the whole process takes less than 30 minutes.  For only $19.95 you can prepare, print and electronically file your federal 1040A tax return and one state return.  (Each additional state - $9.95.)
How it works?
  1. IT-PSS 1040A On-Line does all of the calculations, selects the appropriate forms and schedules and checks for errors.
  2. Review your completed return before you pay for the service.
  3. E-file your return to the IRS.
  4. Sign in 48 hours after e-filing to make sure the IRS has accepted your tax return.

Why use IT-PSS On-Line?

Get your refund in as little as 48 hours using bank services to receive your refund, or get your refund back in 1 to 2 weeks by e-filing, rather than 6 to 8 when you file by mail. 

With IRS E-Filing you don't have to worry that your return hasn't been filed, and you do not need to pay for this service with your credit card.







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Last modified: 09/15/07